- This topic has 0 則回覆, 1 個參與人, and was last updated 2 years, 2 months ago by tanyabmn64822804.
John Elway uses his Twitter account to update Denver Bronco fans on things he is doing to improve the team. Any business can develop a list of followers and use Twitter to get their phone to ring, or to sell more products.
Finally there are local directories, that use input from real people to verify and rate a business. Believe it or not there are over 100 of these directories that carry weight at the big three search engines. Since we don’t know the exact weighting, we offer a service to input information and get it verified at all 100.
Over 1 Billion local searches ever month (and growing 50% every year) 90% of buyers search online first, vs. using the yellow pages or other kind of methods.
Your Organic Search Results are a function of the quality & credibility of your local business presence on the Internet. You want all online roads leading back to you and your web site (https://piqs.de/user/NancyMason/). There are virtually unlimited credible and respectable sources throughout the Internet, and from there nearly infinite routes back to your local business web site. Remember traditional referrals and testimonials from old school marketing? Referral links back to your web pages from everywhere on the Internet are testimonials to your local business relevance.
In the past, if you’re like most people, you would’ve probably picked up the Yellow Pages. That was really the only way the new businesses were found in any local town. But the Yellow Pages are out of date at least a year. Plus you don’t know if the business is really still there. So what you do? There is a rumour that the Yellow Pages will replace the book with a CD that you put in your computer. So what does that mean to you?
The details should be filled out in much detail. The details section allows you to describe your business to customers for exactly what they can expect.
Online Yellow Pages. YellowBook, Dex, and others are a good way to get listed on the internet in yellow pages. Yellow pages are not used much anymore, but an online listing can get you some high quality backlinks.
Not as big a secret, but still being completely disregarded by most local businesses other than in a few competitive industries. You need reviews. Lots of them. And they need to be on various local search engines. Most critical is Google Places, but reviews are critical on SuperPages, Yahoo, YellowPages, and others.
Send a nice homemade holiday card if you did not have a good year financially. We all know what it is like, all over the globe, and sending a warm and sincere wish is far more meaningful than stuffing cheap stuff that make your gifts look big.
The annual gift card market is somewhere around 80 – 90 billion dollars each year. Now what piece of that action are you missing out on? If you’re only selling them in your store or location then you’re missing out on the bigger opportunity. With your product in local stores you will be able to gain market share. This will also allow you to compete with national merchants who take business away from you at a local level.